Taiwan Clock

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Current local time: 6:25:12 pm
Date: Wednesday 22 January 2025
Time zone: CST (China Standard Time)
Current time zone offset:  +08:00 hours

Time Zones in Taiwan

CSTChina Standard Time
has been in effect since 1979

  Taiwan Information

Currency in Taiwan

Taiwan Dollar
Code: TWD Symbol: NT$
Dollar to Dollar exchange rate: NT$29.84 Dollars per Dollar is the average
USD to TWD exchange rate average for the last 12 months,
the US Dollar to Taiwan Dollar rate history can be found at fx-rate.net
  Taiwan Dollar exchange rates

Today's Taiwan Dollar Exchange Rates

Holiday Calendar

Official holidays and national celebration days are highlighted in the month calendar

Taiwan Holiday Calendar

Telephone Calling Codes

International country code:
+886 (TW)
Area code for Taipei:
See area codes for dialing in Taiwan


- Chiayi Airport (CYI) in Chia i

CYI is the IATA code for the airport, RCKU is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiayi_Airport

- Hengchun Airport (HCN)

HCN is the IATA code for the airport, RCKW is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hengchun_Airport

- Hualien Airport (HUN) 11km from Hua lien

HUN is the IATA code for the airport, RCYU is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hualien_Airport

- Kaohsiung International Airport (KHH) in Kao hsiung

KHH is the IATA code for the airport, RCKH is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaohsiung_International_Airport

- Kaunas Airport (KUN) - Kung Kuan

KUN is the IATA code for the airport, EYKA is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaunas_Airport

- Pingtung Airport (PIF) in Ping tung

PIF is the IATA code for the airport, RCSQ is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingtung_Airport

- Taichung Ching Chuang Kang Airport (RMQ) in Tai chung

RMQ is the IATA code for the airport, RCMQ is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taichung_Airport

- Tainan Airport (TNN) in Tai nan

TNN is the IATA code for the airport, RCNN is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tainan_Airport

- Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) in Taipei

TPE is the IATA code for the airport, RCTP is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Taoyuan_International_Airport

- Taipei Songshan Airport (TSA) - Shungshan Airport

TSA is the IATA code for the airport, RCSS is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taipei_Songshan_Airport

- Taitung Airport (TTT)

TTT is the IATA code for the airport, RCFN is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taitung_Airport