Vanuatu Clock

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Current local time: 6:48:07 am
Date: Friday 13 December 2024
Time zone: VUT (Vanuatu Time)
Current time zone offset:  +11:00 hours

Time Zones in Vanuatu

has been in effect since 19 Jan 2038Tuesday 19 Jan 2038 at 2:14:07 pm local time
UTC+11:00DST ended on 19 Jan 2038, clocks moved back 1 hour; from 1:14:7 pm to 2:14:07 pm

  Vanuatu Information

Currency in Vanuatu

Vanuatu Vatu
Code: VUV Symbol: &#;
Dollar to Vatu exchange rate: &#;94.77 Vatus per Dollar is the average
USD to VUV exchange rate average for the last 12 months,
the US Dollar to Vanuatu Vatu rate history can be found at
  Vanuatu Vatu exchange rates

Today's Vanuatu Vatu Exchange Rates

Holiday Calendar

Official holidays and national celebration days are highlighted in the month calendar

Vanuatu Holiday Calendar

Telephone Calling Codes

International country code:
+678 (VU)
Area code for Port Vila:
See area codes for dialing in Vanuatu


- Anatom Airport (AUY) 7km from Aneityum

AUY is the IATA code for the airport, NVVA is the ICAO code.

- Aniwa Airport (AWD) 40km from Burtonfield Tanna

AWD is the IATA code for the airport, NVVB is the ICAO code.

- Ipota Airport (IPA) 74km from Burtonfield Tanna

IPA is the IATA code for the airport, NVVI is the ICAO code.

- Norsup Airport (NUS) 66km from Santo Island

NUS is the IATA code for the airport, NVSP is the ICAO code.

- Santo-Pekoa International Airport (SON) 0km from Santo Island

SON is the IATA code for the airport, NVSS is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Whitegrass Airport (TAH) 16km from Burtonfield Tanna

TAH is the IATA code for the airport, NVVW is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Bauerfield International Airport (VLI) in Port Vila

VLI is the IATA code for the airport, NVVV is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

Time Difference

Bauerfield Efate
6:48:07 am
Fri,Dec 13
You - Cambridge
2:48:07 pm
Thu,Dec 12
Port Vila Time Converter

Oceania Time Zone Map
Oceania Time Zone Map


Cities in Vanuatu