Argentina Clock

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Current local time: 12:26:12 am
Date: Monday 17 February 2025
Time zone: ARST (Argentina Summer Time)
Current time zone offset:  -03:00 hours

Time Zones in Argentina

has been in effect since 19 Jan 2038Tuesday 19 Jan 2038 at 12:14:07 am local time
UTC-3:00DST ended on 19 Jan 2038, clocks moved back 1 hour; from 0:14:7 am to 12:14:07 am

  Argentina Information

Currency in Argentina

Argentine Peso
Code: ARS Symbol: $
Dollar to Peso exchange rate: $5.95 Pesos per Dollar is the average
USD to ARS exchange rate average for the last 12 months,
the US Dollar to Argentine Peso rate history can be found at
  Argentine Peso exchange rates

Today's Argentine Peso Exchange Rates

Holiday Calendar

Official holidays and national celebration days are highlighted in the month calendar

Argentina Holiday Calendar

Telephone Calling Codes

International country code:
+54 (AR)
Area code for Buenos Aires:
See area codes for dialing in Argentina


- Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP) in Buenos Aires

AEP is the IATA code for the airport, SABE is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- San Rafael Airport (AFA)

AFA is the IATA code for the airport, SAMR is the ICAO code.

- Comandante Espora Airport (BHI) in Bahia Blanca

BHI is the IATA code for the airport, SAZB is the ICAO code.

- Teniente Luis Candelaria International Airpor (BRC) in San Carlos de Bariloche

BRC is the IATA code for the airport, SAZS is the ICAO code.

- Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro Internatio (CNQ) in Corrientes

CNQ is the IATA code for the airport, SARC is the ICAO code.

- Ingeniero Aeronáutico Ambrosio L.V. Tarav (COR) in Cordoba

COR is the IATA code for the airport, SACO is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Aviador Carlos Campos Airport (CPC) in Chapelco

CPC is the IATA code for the airport, SAZY is the ICAO code.

- General Enrique Mosconi International Airpo (CRD) in Comodoro Rivadavia

CRD is the IATA code for the airport, SAVC is the ICAO code.

- Coronel Felipe Varela International Airport (CTC) in Catamarca

CTC is the IATA code for the airport, SANC is the ICAO code.

- Esquel Airport (EQS)

EQS is the IATA code for the airport, SAVE is the ICAO code.

- Ministro Pistarini International Airport (EZE) in Buenos Aires

EZE is the IATA code for the airport, SAEZ is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Cataratas del Iguazú International Airport (IGR) in Puerto Iguazu

IGR is the IATA code for the airport, SARI is the ICAO code.

- Capitán Vicente Almandos Almonacid Airpo (IRJ) in La Rioja

IRJ is the IATA code for the airport, SANL is the ICAO code.

- Gobernador Horacio Guzmán International A (JUJ) in Jujuy

JUJ is the IATA code for the airport, SASJ is the ICAO code.

- Brigadier Mayor César Raúl Ojeda Airport (LUQ) in San Luis

LUQ is the IATA code for the airport, SAOU is the ICAO code.

- Governor Francisco Gabrielli International Ai (MDZ) in Mendoza

MDZ is the IATA code for the airport, SAME is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Presidente Perón International Airport (NQN) in Neuquen

NQN is the IATA code for the airport, SAZN is the ICAO code.

- El Tehuelche Airport (PMY) 4km from Puerto Madryn

PMY is the IATA code for the airport, SAVY is the ICAO code.

- Libertador General José de San Martín Airp (PSS) in Posadas

PSS is the IATA code for the airport, SARP is the ICAO code.

- Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL) in Trelew

REL is the IATA code for the airport, SAVT is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Resistencia International Airport (RES)

RES is the IATA code for the airport, SARE is the ICAO code.

- Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International (RGL) in Rio Gallegos

RGL is the IATA code for the airport, SAWG is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Rosario - Islas Malvinas International Airport (ROS)

ROS is the IATA code for the airport, SAAR is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Santa Rosa Airport (RSA)

RSA is the IATA code for the airport, SAZR is the ICAO code.

- Vicecomodoro Ángel de la Paz Aragonés Ai (SDE) in Santiago del Estero

SDE is the IATA code for the airport, SANE is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Sauce Viejo Airport (SFN) in Santa Fe

SFN is the IATA code for the airport, SAAV is the ICAO code.

- Martín Miguel de Güemes International Airp (SLA) in Salta

SLA is the IATA code for the airport, SASA is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Teniente General Benjamín Matienzo Intern (TUC) in Tucuman

TUC is the IATA code for the airport, SANT is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Airport (UAQ) in San Juan

UAQ is the IATA code for the airport, SANU is the ICAO code.

- Ushuaia – Malvinas Argentinas International (USH)

USH is the IATA code for the airport, SAWH is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on

- Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM) in Viedma

VDM is the IATA code for the airport, SAVV is the ICAO code.