Queensland Clock

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Current local time: 7:21:58 am
Date: Friday 20 September 2024
Time zone: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Current time zone offset:  +10:00 hours

Time Zones in Queensland

AESTAustralian Eastern Standard Time
has been in effect since 1992

  Queensland Information

Currency in Australia

Australian Dollar
Code: AUD Symbol: AU$
Dollar to Dollar exchange rate: AU$1.07 Dollars per Dollar is the average
USD to AUD exchange rate average for the last 12 months,
the US Dollar to Australian Dollar rate history can be found at fx-rate.net
  Australian Dollar exchange rates

Today's Australian Dollar Exchange Rates

Holiday Calendar

Official holidays and national celebration days are highlighted in the month calendar

Australia Holiday Calendar

Telephone Calling Codes

International country code:
+61 (AU)
Area code for Brisbane:
See area codes for dialing in Australia


- Blackall Airport (BKQ)

BKQ is the IATA code for the airport, YBCK is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackall_Airport

- Brisbane Airport (BNE)

BNE is the IATA code for the airport, YBBN is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brisbane_Airport

- Ballina Byron Gateway Airport (BNK) 1km from Ballina Airport

BNK is the IATA code for the airport, YBNA is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballina_Airport

- Birdsville Airport (BVI)

BVI is the IATA code for the airport, YBDV is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birdsville_Airport

- Coffs Harbour Airport (CFS)

CFS is the IATA code for the airport, YCFS is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffs_Harbour_Airport

- Cunnamulla Airport (CMA)

CMA is the IATA code for the airport, YCMU is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunnamulla_Airport

- Cloncurry Airport (CNJ)

CNJ is the IATA code for the airport, YCCY is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloncurry_Airport

- Cairns Airport (CNS)

CNS is the IATA code for the airport, YBCS is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairns_International_Airport

- Charleville Airport (CTL) in Charleyville

CTL is the IATA code for the airport, YBCV is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleville_Airport

- Coen Airport (CUQ)

CUQ is the IATA code for the airport, YCOE is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coen_Airport

- Emerald Airport (EMD)

EMD is the IATA code for the airport, YEML is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Airport

- Gladstone Airport (GLT)

GLT is the IATA code for the airport, YGLA is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladstone_Airport_(Australia)

- Horn Island Airport (HID)

HID is the IATA code for the airport, YHID is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horn_Island_Airport

- Great Barrier Reef Airport (HTI) in Hamilton Island

HTI is the IATA code for the airport, YBHM is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton_Island_Airport

- Hervey Bay Airport (HVB) 5km from Urandangie

HVB is the IATA code for the airport, YHBA is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hervey_Bay_Airport

- Mount Isa Airport (ISA)

ISA is the IATA code for the airport, YBMA is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Isa_Airport

- Longreach Airport (LRE)

LRE is the IATA code for the airport, YLRE is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longreach_Airport

- Sunshine Coast Airport (MCY) in Maroochydore Airport

MCY is the IATA code for the airport, YBSU is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunshine_Coast_Airport

- MacKay Airport (MKY)

MKY is the IATA code for the airport, YBMK is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mackay_Airport

- Moree Airport (MRZ)

MRZ is the IATA code for the airport, YMOR is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moree_Airport

- Normanton Airport (NTN)

NTN is the IATA code for the airport, YNTN is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normanton_Airport

- Gold Coast Airport (OOL)

OOL is the IATA code for the airport, YBCG is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Coast_Airport

- Proserpine / Whitsunday Coast Airport (PPP) 1km from Proserpine Airport

PPP is the IATA code for the airport, YBPN is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proserpine_/_Whitsunday_Coast_Airport

- Rockhampton Airport (ROK)

ROK is the IATA code for the airport, YBRK is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockhampton_Airport

- Townsville Airport (TSV)

TSV is the IATA code for the airport, YBTL is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Townsville_Airport

- Winton Airport (WIN)

WIN is the IATA code for the airport, YWTN is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winton_Airport

- Windorah Airport (WNR)

WNR is the IATA code for the airport, YWDH is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windorah_Airport

- Thargomindah Airport (XTG)

XTG is the IATA code for the airport, YTGM is the ICAO code.

Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thargomindah_Airport